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ATSG Recognized Again as a Challenger in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant for DaaS >>

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Hybrid work model seems to be the “hot-favorite” choice for many businesses, and rightfully so. With the freedom from being tethered to physical machines, we find ourselves in a new era of work, one that is more dynamic and flexible. However, this transition, like any significant change, does not come without its set of challenges. Today, as our work approach has become modernized, so has our approach towards desktop management.

In this blog, we explore the wide array of advantages and opportunities that come with the modernization of desktop management. Additionally, we discuss strategies for effectively addressing the challenges that inevitably arise in the process. To put things into perspective, we are starting off by shedding light on the limitations of managing physical desktops.


The Limitations of Managing Physical Desktops

In the not-so-distant past, workplaces looked completely different from what we see today. It was the time when physical desktops reigned supreme and were fully loaded with necessary updates. IT (Information Technology) teams used to find themselves in a perpetual struggle, as they had to go through multiple challenges.

Plus, each physical desktop had to be treated as a unique entity, with its own configuration quirks. Keeping them up to date was a constant process, one that demanded a lot of time, attention, and manual effort. In addition, software updates, security patches and hardware upgrades used to be a never-ending phenomenon.

In this un-forgiving landscape, the limitations of physical desktop environments became painfully evident. As a result, IT teams longed for a more efficient and manageable way to navigate the ever-evolving technology landscape.

Desktop Virtualization – The Game-Changer

Amidst all these challenges of managing physical desktop environments, a transformative solution emerged on the horizon in the form of desktop virtualization. This technological innovation marked a pivotal moment in the area of desktop management. It also offered a glimmer of hope for businesses seeking a more efficient and adaptable approach towards desktop management.


Solutions like VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) and Cloud-based Desktop as a Service (DaaS) really changed the game, and this new-found flexibility meant that work could be done from anywhere.

Moreover, the fully virtualized and centralized nature of DaaS simplified desktop management for IT teams. Now, the same updates, patches and software deployments could be executed more efficiently, in a matter of just a few clicks, reducing the time and effort required for maintenance. This new-found agility empowered IT departments to focus on strategic initiatives, rather than getting bogged down by routine tasks.

Plus, user virtualization also played a key role in enhancing the user experience, by ensuring a consistent and personalized experience across these virtual desktops. This further amplified the benefits of desktop modernization, by leveraging virtualization.

Challenges of Modernizing Desktop Management

Now that most of our corporate workspaces are entirely digital and Cloud-based, employees are free to operate beyond the physical office or the corporate network. The flexibility and agility that comes with this shift is unprecedented.

As businesses embark on this transformative journey, one significant challenge is ensuring a seamless transition, from legacy systems to modernized desktops. This process can be complex, involving the migration of existing applications and data to Cloud-based environments. However, the good thing is that leading DaaS solutions providers offer robust support for such migrations, making the shift smoother and more efficient.

For Chief Information Officers (CIOs) tasked with modernizing user computing strategies, there is often a delicate balance to strike. The challenge lies in addressing the evolving needs of the workforce, while respecting the preferences of employees to the best extent possible.

Compounding these challenges is a global talent shortage in the IT field, leaving many businesses without highly skilled professionals. In this highly competitive tech environment, efficiency is not a luxury, but a necessity.

IT teams must empower employees, streamline processes, and reduce “operational friction,” to prevent employees from resorting to workarounds or shadow IT practices, that might violate policies, or expose sensitive business information to bad actors in the cyberspace.

Lastly, change management is another challenge that should not be underestimated. Employees may resist transitioning to new desktop environments, fearing disruptions to their existing workflows. However, effective communication and training can turn this challenge into an opportunity for empowerment.

Streamlining Desktop Management with ATSG’s DaaS

Today, CIOs and other key decision makers have several options available to opt for the best partner, or Cloud Service Provider (CSP). The idea is to make the most of this modernization process.

When it comes to streamlining desktop management and giving your old physical PCs a “new lease of life,” ATSG’s Desktop as a Service (DaaS) solutions emerge as the standout option.

Our DaaS solutions offer a compelling alternative to making additional investments in physical desktops. This approach allows businesses to make the most of their otherwise aging and dated PCs, by extending their useful life or serviceability. By making the shift to a Cloud-based DaaS model, companies can unlock extended value from their existing hardware.

ATSG has also got you covered when it comes to addressing the challenges of deploying cloud desktops. This is why we believe in simplifying the migration process. ATSG provides robust support for seamless application and data migration to the Cloud.


The process of modernizing desktop management comes with its fair share of challenges, but the boundless benefits that come with it are too good to ignore. This technological evolution of the digital workplace has been nothing short of a “roller-coaster ride.”

However, it is up to businesses and their IT leaders to leverage the best out of this situation, and drive enterprise value. With Cloud-powered Desktop as a Service (DaaS) solutions at the center, it is high time we embraced this transformative shift, and head towards a successful future.

ATSG has also been recognized as a Challenger in the inaugural 2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Desktop as a Service (DaaS). Our DaaS solution offers global enterprise clients reliable, secure, compliant, and scalable Cloud Hosted Virtual Desktops.

Our in-house cloud orchestration portal, ATSGOne Cloud Manager, simplifies the management of the entire DaaS environment, from a single interface. Our highly intelligent and automated portal also offers real-time metrics, analytics, monitoring, and comprehensive management capabilities.

So, contact ATSG now, for best-in-class managed IT services, top-notch Cloud Computing, Intelligent Technology and Cybersecurity solutions for your enterprise.

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